It is Important to Document All Findings and Facts of the Case

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ijcp group


The petitioner filed an appeal before the Armed Forces Tribunal Chandigarh Regional Bench alleging incorrect diagnosis as a result of which he was discharged from Naval service without any pension. He said that he had granular pharyngitis, but he was not examined for the same and instead was wrongly diagnosed as panic disorder with agoraphobia. He appealed for review of his case by a new Medical Board and grant of disability pension stating that his disability was due to the service conditions. The Tribunal examined all records and statements and held that the contention of the petitioner that he was not examined for granular pharyngitis had no merit. And the disability was pre-existing and not due to the service conditions, a fact which had not been disclosed by the petitioner. The Tribunal dismissed the appeal.

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How to Cite
ijcp group. (2023). It is Important to Document All Findings and Facts of the Case. Indian Journal Of Clinical Practice, 34(1), 38–40. Retrieved from