Pharmacists’ Role in Reducing Pharmaceutical Waste

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Rashmi Zalpuri
Vishal Kamra
Jk Sharma
Astha Zalpuri


The disposal of leftover/unused medicines is an area of concern in several countries as their improper disposal can impact
the environment, which in turn, will affect the health of humans and animals. The main objective of this study is to know the
opinion of pharmacists related to the disposal methodologies of unused medications. Several pharmacists were studied in
Northern India to evaluate the opinion and the practice towards safe disposal of unused/unwanted medicines. Random
interview studies were carried out in North India using a questionnaire. The questionnaire was based on reason, i.e., unused
medicine disposal practices opinion of pharmacist as appropriateness of the disposal methodology and awareness of hazard
effects of improper disposal. The data was collected from various categories of individuals and interpreted. A total of 135
registered pharmacists participated in this study. The main method that was adopted by the respondents was to dispose
the unwanted medications in trash and flush down the sink, which accounted for nearly 42% and 11% of the respondents,
and 6% were in the practice of burning/throwing in household waste. Fifty-three percent agreed that they were not aware
of the environmental hazards due to this practice and 11% said community take-back programs could help to solve the
problem. About 30% of the pharmacists accepted that their pharmacy has collecting point of unwanted medicines. Regulatory
authorities should implement and execute policies for proper and safe disposal of unused medicines.

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How to Cite
Rashmi Zalpuri, Vishal Kamra, Jk Sharma, & Astha Zalpuri. (2021). Pharmacists’ Role in Reducing Pharmaceutical Waste. Indian Journal Of Clinical Practice, 32(7), 8–12. Retrieved from
Research Review