Addressing Lower Segment Cesarean Section Hesitancy: A Patient-centered, Pragmatic Communication Guide

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Bharti Kalra
Anjali Sharma
Kamlesh Dhingra
Swati Agrawal


In women in whom a normal vaginal delivery is not possible or is not indicated, delayed acceptance of lower segment cesarean section (LSCS) or outright LSCS refusal, leads to complications that can easily be avoided. Hence, it makes sense for obstetricians and other health care professionals, to address LSCS hesitancy as an integral part of obstetric care. In this article, we discuss both the communication style and communication content, that is required to manage LSCS hesitancy in women in whom the intervention is indicated. We highlight the need to analyze the reasons for hesitancy, and address them in an appropriate and affable manner, using accurate information to buttress one’s points. We also encourage seeking assistance from colleagues in the health care team, utilizing audio-visual and social media aids, and offering alternatives if the patient so desires.

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How to Cite
Bharti Kalra, Anjali Sharma, Kamlesh Dhingra, & Swati Agrawal. (2022). Addressing Lower Segment Cesarean Section Hesitancy: A Patient-centered, Pragmatic Communication Guide. Indian Journal Of Clinical Practice, 33(3), 34–36. Retrieved from
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