The Spirit and Science: Is the Endocrine System the Essence of Existence?

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Sanjay Kalra
Ameya Joshi
Bharti Kalra
Navneet Agrawal


In this reflective opinion piece, the authors offer a unique insight into the connection between spirituality and science. A reading of the Shrimad Bhagvad Gita, through the eyes of an endocrinologist, uncovers unexpected corollaries and correlations between spirituality or religion on one hand, and science or rationale, on the other.

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How to Cite
Sanjay Kalra, Ameya Joshi, Bharti Kalra, & Navneet Agrawal. (2023). The Spirit and Science: Is the Endocrine System the Essence of Existence?. Indian Journal Of Clinical Practice, 33(9), 8–9. Retrieved from
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